Rom/Bank 00
This is a subpage of ROM
- $0000 to $0489 = Code
- $048A to $0493, size = Ah, 1 word each.
- Offsets for reading from SRAM. Based on an index stored at $70:1FFE, it will load the value $0000, $0500, $0A00, or (possibly) $0F00. The last value seems sketchy because that is an offset for the mirror of the first save slot.
DMA offsets for Bank $7E (usage undetermined as of yet. Probably pointers to font tiles):
- $494 to $5FB, size = 168h, 1 word each.
- $494 to $49B: Used in DMA transfers as local addresses in Bank $7E. See $0AD8 in the RAM addresses.
- $49C to $4AB: Used in DMA transfers as local addresses in Bank $7E. See $0AC0 and $0AC2 in the RAM addresses.
- $4AC to $4B1: Used in DMA transfers as local addresses in Bank $7E. See $0AC4 and $0AC6 in the RAM addresses.
- $4B2 to $5B1: Used in DMA transfers as local addresses in Bank $7E. See $0AC8 in the RAM addresses.
- $5B2 to $5D1: Used in DMA transfers as local addresses in Bank $7E. See $0ACA in the RAM addresses.
- $5D2 to $5DD: Stored to $7EC013. The value stored is indexed by $7EC015.
- $5DE to $5FB: Used in DMA transfers as local addresses in Bank $7E. See $0AE0 and $0AE2 in the RAM addresses.
- $5FC to $E4B - Code:
- $E4C to $E53, size = 9h
- ????
- $E54 to {{$|110E Code:
- $110F to $113E, size = 30h
- ????
- $137B to $1395 size = 1Ch
- ????
- $1396 to $15F3, size = 25Eh, 1 word each.
Pointers to ROM Addresses used in DMA transfers. While these are local addresses, The DMA transfers generally use Bank $10. See $0ACC and $0ACE in the RAM addresses
- $15F4 to $1851, size = 25Eh, 1 word each.
Pointers to ROM Addresses used in DMA transfers. While these are local addresses, The DMA transfers generally use Bank $10. See $0AD0 and $0AD2 in the RAM addresses
- $1852 to $1887, size = 36h, 1 word each.
Pointers to ROM Addresses used in DMA transfers. While these are local addresses, The DMA transfers generally use Bank $10. See $0AD4 and $0AD6 in the RAM addresses
- $1888 to $18AA, size = 23h, 1 byte each.
Upper byte of a series of VRAM Target addresses, that are used depending on the situation. Table is indexed by $7E0116
- $18AB to $18BF NULL
- $18C0 to $18DF
- $1B52 to $????
- $4FF3 to $528F, size = 29Dh - indexed (long) table to compressed graphics packets
Each of these packets is treated differently: i.e. $0A = Dungeon sprite
- $5B57 to $????
- ?????
- $6073 = graphics data? Appears to come in 8 byte chunks.
- $7C9C =
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