Flying Stalfos Head

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This is a subpage of Sprites

Sprite $02: Flying Stalfos Head

Flying Stalfos Head


The head of a stalfos which disconnects and moves independently.

Combat Strategy

Due to its high HP, it is unlikely the player will be able to kill it. Avoiding it is the best option.

Stats And Properties

See Sprite Properties


Bit(s) Info Value
7 Harmless 0
6  ? 0
5  ? 0
4-0 OAM Slots 00001 ($01)


Bit(s) Info Value
7-0 HP 1111 1111 ($FF)


Bit(s) Info Value
7-4  ? 1000 ($80)
3-0 Damage Type 0001 ($01)


Bit(s) Info Value
7 No Death Animation 0
6 Invincible 0
5 Adjust Child coordinates 0
4 Draw Shadow 1
3-1 Palette 101 ($05)
0  ? 1


Bit(s) Info Value
7 Ignore Collision Settings 0
6 Statis 0
5 Persist 0
4-0 Hit Box Dimensions 00000 ($00)


Bit(s) Info Value
7-4 Tile Interaction Hit Box 0000 ($00)
3  ? 0
2  ? 0
1 Dies Like A Boss 0
0 Falls In Holes 0


Bit(s) Info Value
7 Disable Tile Interactions 1
6  ? 0
5 Is shield Blockable 0
4 Alternate Damage Sound 0
3-0 Prize Pack 0100 ($04)


Bit(s) Info Value
7  ? 0
6  ? 1
5 Is Interactive 0
4 Deflect Projectiles 0
3 Collide With Less Tiles 0
2 Impervious To Sword/Hammer 1
1 Impervious To Arrows? 0
0  ? 0


   ; $35DAF-$35DB6 DATA
   pool Sprite_StalfosHead:
       db $00, $00, $00, $40
       db 0, 1, 2, 1
   ; *$35DB7-$35E4C JUMP LOCATION
       ; Force the sprite's layer to be that of the player's.
       ; \note This is somewhat unusual.
       LDA $EE : STA $0F20, X
       LDA $0E00, X : BEQ .use_typical_oam_region
       LDA.b #$08 : JSL OAM_AllocateFromRegionC
       LDA $0E80, X : LSR #3 : AND.b #$03 : TAY
       LDA $0F50, X : AND.b #$BF : ORA .h_flip, Y : STA $0F50, X
       LDA .animation_states, Y : STA $0DC0, X
       LDA.b #$30 : STA $0B89, X
       JSR Sprite_PrepAndDrawSingleLarge
       JSR Sprite_CheckIfActive
       JSR Sprite_CheckIfRecoiling
       JSR Sprite_CheckDamage
       LDA $0EA0, X : BEQ .not_recoiling
       ; This sprite can't be recoiled by hitting it. That's part of why
       ; they're annoying.
       JSR Sprite_Zero_XY_Velocity
       JSR Sprite_Move
       INC $0E80, X
       LDA $0DF0, X : BEQ .flee_from_player
       AND.b #$01   : BNE  .return
       LDA.b #$10 : JSR Sprite_ProjectSpeedTowardsPlayer
       LDA $0D40, X : CMP $00 : BEQ .at_target_x_speed
                                BPL .above_target_x_speed
       INC $0D40, X
       BRA .check_y_speed
       DEC $0D40, X
       LDA $0D50, X : CMP $01 : BEQ  .return
                                BPL .above_target_y_speed
       INC $0D50, X
       BRA  .return
       DEC $0D50, X
       TXA : EOR $1A : AND.b #$03 : BNE .return
       LDA.b #$10
       JSR Sprite_ProjectSpeedTowardsPlayer
       LDA $00 : EOR.b #$FF : INC A : STA $00
       LDA $01 : EOR.b #$FF : INC A : STA $01
       BRA .approach_target_speed