Crystal Switch
From TLoZ: ALTTP Hacking Resources
Crystal Switch | |
Sprite ID | $1E |
HP | $00 ($06B191) |
Damage | $00 ($06B284) |
Palette | $01 ($06B377) |
Found | Many Places |
Activating a crystal switch raises or lowers colored pillars.
Combat Strategy
Known Bugs
Todo: -Make ram addresses link to proper subsection of RAM map. -Make sub jumps link to proper subsection of bank page.
; $338CE-$338CF DATA pool Sprite_CrystalSwitch: { .palettes db $02, $04 }
; *$338D0-$3394B JUMP LOCATION Sprite_CrystalSwitch: { ; AND the palette value with 0xF1 LDA $0F50, X : AND.b #$F1 : STA $0F50, X ; Blue / Orange barrier state LDA $7EC172 : AND.b #$01 : TAY ; Select the palette for the peg switch based on that state. LDA .palettes, Y : ORA $0F50, X : STA $0F50, X JSR OAM_AllocateDeferToPlayer JSR Sprite_PrepAndDrawSingleLarge JSR Sprite_CheckIfActive JSR Sprite_CheckDamageToPlayer_same_layer : BCC .no_player_collision JSL Sprite_NullifyHookshotDrag STZ $5E JSL Sprite_RepelDashAttackLong .no_player_collision LDA $0DF0, X : BNE .skipSparkleGeneration LDA $1A : AND.b #$07 : STA $00 STZ $01 JSL GetRandomInt : AND.b #$07 : STA $02 STZ $03 ; Attempt to add a sparkle effect JSL Sprite_SpawnSimpleSparkleGarnish ; Restart sparkle countdown timer. LDA.b #$1F : STA $0DF0, X .skipSparkleGeneration LDA $0EA0, X : BNE .switching_already_scheduled LDA $3C : DEC A : CMP.b #$08 : BPL .ignore_player_poke_attack JSR Sprite_CheckDamageFromPlayer .ignore_player_poke_attack RTS .switching_already_scheduled DEC $0EA0, X : CMP.b #$0B : BNE .dont_switch_state ; Change the orange/blue barrier state LDA $7EC172 : EOR.b #$01 : STA $7EC172 LDA.b #$16 : STA $11 LDA.b #$25 : JSL Sound_SetSfx3PanLong .dont_switch_state RTS }